Monday, April 18, 2011

A dream

I had a dream.

Considering my previous experience, the fact itself is quite rare. My dreams are scarce and the usual trivial contents have not been attractive enough to bind my attention and keep them rolling and twisting my mind.

I found myself in London in the company of the Town Theatre actors. Somehow I was out of space hovering over and the me was not surprised of the peculiar transformation. Looking back to that moment I cannot remind any emotions. No walking on air or sorrow or despair. Just being their and watching the actors' company in their doings.

The company had a task of putting up a play on the Shakespeare theme by the end of the week having no limitations. They did not have director with them and weirdly more I cannot remember personally anybody of the company by name. They were just actors of the Town Theatre.

So they were engaged with their task and tried to make out some concept for the weekend to be performed. Every evening they rehearsed creatively some of Shakespeare's plays in the purpose of mixing them and pressing out the essence of the meaning and clueing the meanings then together in one fluid and omnipresent idea of the meaning of life.

One day it was "Hamlet", then "King Lear", "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and others I can't remember. They just improvised on the play, different moods, attitudes, approaches but being in the theme. By night they had every day come to one glorious, sacred meaning of that night's play.

But just before their performance in the weekend they found that the meanings of each days work were not compatible. And the reason was a metaphysical phenomena never happened before. They couldn't put the pieces together because in the nights that had preceded they had worked somehow in negative time space and now being in the positive sphere the negatives could not stick together and make it a working idea that had been their purpose.

They couldn't make it out what was the reason and they couldn't solve the problem. So the performance night was there and they had managed with nothing to perform. As their salary depended on the successful work to be performed they were in the situation of having no money for the returning tickets as a consequence.

So they ended up performing in a theatre that reminded more some sort of pub. They had to perform the essence of the plays in negative time separately because the pieces in negative time couldn't be bound together. Like electrons. And what made it quirkier more was that they performed each piece after somebody from the pub audience ordered it in a loud mocking voice. They were addressed like some dancing party band but still they complied and accomplished the best of their art. Just in pieces.

I love and admire our Town Theatre. I had a sad feeling to be hovering over and not being with them. But at the same time somehow it was the walking in the air.

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